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Hofhuis, J. (2012). Dealing with Differences: Managing the Benefits and Threats of Cultural Diversity in the Workplace. Dissertation, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.

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Hofhuis, J. & Van ’t Hoog, M.N. (2010). Handboek Succesvolle Diversiteitsinterventies. Den Haag: Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties.

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Book Chapters:

  1. Hofhuis, J., & Vietze, J. (in press). Diversity Perspectives and Intercultural Communication in the Workplace. In Komisarof, A. (Ed.), Handbook of Intercultural Communication. SAGE.
  2. Sommier, M., Van Sterkenburg, J., & Hofhuis, J. (2019). Colorblind Ideology in Traditional and Online Media: Towards a Future Research Agenda. In: Atay, A. & D’Silva, M. (Eds.), Mediated Intercultural Communication in a Digital Age. Routledge
  3. Van der Zee, K.I. & Hofhuis, J. (2018). Conflict Management Styles across Cultures. In: Kim, Y.Y. (Ed.) International Encyclopedia of Intercultural Communication. Wiley & Sons.
  4. Rijsdijk, L., Hofhuis, J., De Bot, M., & De Vries, S. (2018). Succesfactoren voor interprofessioneel samenwerken: een internationale literatuurverkenning en implicaties voor onderwijs. In: De Waal, V. (Ed.) Innovatieve Teams en Interprofessionalisering. Coutinho.
  5. Smits, C., Hofhuis, J., Rijsdijk, L., Mensen, M., & De Vries, S. (2016). Interprofessioneel samenwerken rond ouderen in de wijk: Succesfactoren als handvat voor verbetering. In: Wilken, J.P. & Van Bergen, A. (Eds.) Handboek Werken in de Wijk. SWP Publishers.

Journal Articles (Peer-Reviewed):


  1. Hofhuis, J., Gonçalves, J., Schafraad, P., & Wu, B. (2024). Examining strategic diversity communication on social media using supervised machine learning: Development, validation and future research directions. Public Relations Review, 50(1), 102431.
  2. Figueroa, M., & Hofhuis, J. (2024). Are some individuals more susceptible to intercultural education than others? Multicultural personality predicts the effects of an intercultural training on cultural intelligence. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 98, 101927.


  1. Hofhuis, J., Jongerling, J., & Jansz, J. (2023). Who benefits from the international classroom? Longitudinal development of students’ multicultural personality in an international university program. Higher Education.
  2. Hofhuis, J., Schafraad, P., Trilling, D., Luca, N., & Van Manen, B. (2023). Automated content analysis of cultural Diversity Perspectives in Annual Reports (DivPAR): Development, validation, and future research agenda. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology 29(1), 74-85.
  3. Żerebecki, B.G., Opree, S.J., Hofhuis, J., & Janssen, S. (2023). Recognizing the Similarities and Appreciating the Differences? Onscreen Diversity, (Dis)similarity with TV Show Characters, and Diversity Attitudes among Polish Youth. Psychology of Popular Media.
  4. Żerebecki, B.G., Opree, S.J., Hofhuis, J., & Janssen, S. (2023). Successful minority representations on TV count: A quantitative content analysis approach. Journal of Homosexuality.
  5. Vauclair, M.C., Rudnev, M., Hofhuis, J., & Liu, J. (2023). Instant Messaging and Relationship Satisfaction Across Different Ages and Cultures. Cyberpsychology, 17(3).
  6. Gonçalves, J., Weber, I., Masullo, G.M., Torres da Silva, M., & Hofhuis, J. (2021). Common sense or censorship: How algorithmic moderators and message type influence perceptions of online content deletion, New Media & Society.


  1. Hofhuis, J. (2022). Comparing cultural diversity perspectives among public service employees in the Netherlands in 2008 and 2018. Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion, 41(5), 726-738.
  2. Gaitan-Aguilar, L., Hofhuis, J., Bierwiaczonek, K., & Carmona, C. (2022). Social media, social identification and cross-cultural adaptation of international students: A longitudinal analysis. Frontiers in Psychology.
  3. Carmona, M., Guerra, R. & Hofhuis, J. (2022). What does it mean to be a ‘Citizen of the World’: A Prototype Approach. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 53(6), 547-569.
  4. Carmona, M., Guerra, R., Dovidio, J. , Hofhuis, J., & Sindic, D. (2022). Unpacking all-inclusive superordinate categories: Comparing correlates and consequences of global citizenship and human identities. Frontiers in Psychology.


  1. Żerebecki, B.G., Opree, S.J., Hofhuis, J., & Janssen, S. (2021). Can TV shows promote acceptance of sexual and ethnic minorities? A literature review of television effects on diversity attitudes, Sociology Compass, 15(8), e12906.


  1. Hofhuis, J., Jongerling, J., Van der Zee, K.I., & Jansz, J. (2020). Validation of the Multicultural Personality Questionnaire Short Form (MPQ-SF) for use in the context of international education, PLOS One, 15(12), e0244425.
  2. Hofhuis, J., Schilderman, M.F., & Verdooren, A. (2020). Multicultural personality and effectiveness in an intercultural training simulation: The role of stress and pro‐active communication. International Journal of Psychology, 55(5), 812-821.
  3. Carmona, M., Sindic, D., Guerra, R., & Hofhuis, J. (2020). Human and Global Identities: Different Prototypical Meanings of All‐Inclusive Identities. Political Psychology, 41(5), 961-978.


  1. Hofhuis, J., Hanke, K., & Rutten, T. (2019). Social Networking Sites and acculturation of short-term sojourners in the Netherlands: The mediating role of psychological alienation and online social support. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 69, 120-130.


  1. Hofhuis, J., Mensen, M., Ten Den., L.M., Van den Berg, A., Koopman-Draijer, M., Van Tilburg, M.C, Smits, C.H.M., & De Vries, S. (2018). Does functional diversity increase effectiveness of community care teams? The Moderating Role of Shared Vision, Interaction Frequency and Team Reflexivity. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 48(10), 535-548.


  1. Hofhuis, J., Van der Rijt, P.G.A., & Vlug, M. (2016). Diversity climate enhances work outcomes through trust and openness in workgroup communication. SpringerPlus, 5(714), p. 1-14.
  2. Hofhuis, J., Van der Zee, K.I., & Otten, S. (2016). Dealing with differences: the impact of perceived diversity outcomes on selection and assessment of minority employees. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 27(8), p. 1319-1339.


  1. Hofhuis, J., Van der Zee, K.I., & Otten, S. (2015). Measuring Employee Perception on the Effects of Cultural Diversity at Work: Development of the Benefits and Threats of Diversity Scale. Quality & Quantity, 49(1), p. 177-201.


  1. Hofhuis, J., Van der Zee, K.I., & Otten, S. (2014). Comparing antecedents of voluntary job turnover among majority and minority employees. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, 33 (8), 735-749.


  1. Hofhuis, J., Van der Zee, K.I., & Otten, S. (2012). Social identity patterns in culturally diverse organizations: The role of diversity climate. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 42(4), 964-989.

Professional Publications:

  1. Hofhuis, J., Santos, G., & Schafraad, P. (2023). Diversiteitskampioen of Colorwashing? De samenhang tussen diversiteitscommunicatie en diversiteitsuitkomsten in het Nederlandse bedrijfsleven. Rotterdam: Erasmus University Rotterdam, Erasmus Research Centre for Media, Communication, and Culture (ERMeCC).
  2. Hofhuis, J., & van Drunen, A. (2019). De ontwikkeling van de beeldvorming rondom culturele diversiteit bij de Rijksoverheid in de periode 2008-2018. Rotterdam: Erasmus University Rotterdam, Erasmus Research Centre for Media, Communication, and Culture (ERMeCC).
  3. Hofhuis, J., Mensen, M., Ten Den, L., Van den Berg, A., Koopman-Draijer, M., Smits, C., & De Vries, S. (2015). Succesfactoren voor Interprofessioneel Samenwerken in de Wijk. Een kwantitatief onderzoek onder Nederlandse zorg- en welzijnsprofessionals. Zwolle: Hogeschool Windesheim
  4. Ten Den, L.M., Hofhuis, J., & De Vries, S. (2015). Het roer gaat om in het HRM van zorg en welzijn. Zwolle: Hogeschool Windesheim, Lectoraat Sociale Innovatie en Verscheidenheid
  5. Hofhuis, J., Van der Zee, K.I., & Otten, S. (2011). Cultuurverschillen op de werkvloer: Beeldvorming en Interventies rondom Culturele Diversiteit bij de Rijksoverheid. Groningen: Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Instituut voor Integratie en Sociale Weerbaarheid
  6. Hofhuis, J. & Van ’t Hoog, M.N. (2010). Onderzoekrapport Succesvolle Diversiteitsinterventies bij de Nederlandse Overheid. Groningen: Rijksuniversiteit Groningen,Instituut voor Integratie en Sociale Weerbaarheid.
  7. Hofhuis, J., Van der Zee, K.I. & Otten, S. (2008). Uitstroom van Allochtonen bij de Rijksoverheid. Den Haag: Arbeidsmarkt- en Opleidingsfonds Rijk.


  1. Hofhuis, J., Santos, G., & Schafraad, P. (2023). Colorwashing of diversiteitskampioen? Is de diversiteitscommunicatie van Nederlandse bedrijven authentiek? Nederlandse Stichting voor Psychotechniek;
  2. Masullo, G. M., Gonçalves, J., Weber, I., Laban, A., Torres da Silva, M., & Hofhuis, J. (2020). How the public views deletion of online comments. Center for Media Engagement.
  3. Weber, I., Laban, A., Masullo, G. M., Gonçalves, J., Torres da Silva, M., & Hofhuis, J. (2020). International perspectives on what’s considered hateful or profane online. Center for Media Engagement.
  4. Ten Den, L.M., Hofhuis, J., & De Vries, S. (2015). HRM dilemma’s in Zorg en Welzijn rondom interdisciplinaire samenwerking op wijkniveau. Nederlandse Stichting voor Psychotechniek;
  5. Hofhuis, J. (2012). Diversiteit loont, vindt Europees bedrijfsleven. Nederlandse Stichting voor Psychotechniek;
  6. Hofhuis, J., (2007). Social Mobility. Graduate Recruiter, August 2007, p. 18.

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